FWD.us: Take Selfies4Amnesty! (Video)

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-amnesty lobbying group is asking celebrities and Americans to take selfies to urge Congress to pass amnesty.

Those who have already taken selfies for amnesty include Adrien Grenier, Jared Leto, and Chris Tucker along with politicians like California Governor Jerry Brown – who gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants and made California a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants who have not committed major crimes by signing the Trust Act – and Rep. David Valadao (R-CA), who also supports the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill.

As Congress pushes to pass sweeping amnesty legislation that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers this spring or summer, high-tech lobbies like FWD.us that have already spent millions are looking to spend even more to influence the debate.

Though there is no proof that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers, the high-tech industry wants to double or even triple the number of H1-B visas to import more foreign workers that they can hire at cheaper wages.

FWD.us has courted the media and hired lobbyists and political insiders on both sides of the aisle from D.C.’s permanent political class to push amnesty legislation.

The latest “#Seflies4Reform” campaign urges people to take selfies on a FWD.us app that will then get sent directly “as a postcard to Congress.”


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