NRA had a party – and nobody got shot! by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent draws line distinguishing those who won’t be unarmed and helpless.

There really is an inescapable line drawn in the American sand, and it really is rather pathetic.

Over here on my side are tens of millions, dare I say a couple hundred million Americans and hundreds of millions more around the world who know, understand, grasp and celebrate the most powerful, natural instinct of mankind: the will to survive and the self-evident truth that we are all blessed with the inalienable individual God-given right to defend and protect our precious gift of life.

It’s called the right to keep and bear arms, for after all, unarmed and helpless is indeed unarmed and helpless. And though it is a choice, choosing to be defenseless is simply irresponsible and a clear and present dangerous invitation to evil to have at it.

That’s just plain weird.

On the other side of this line drawn in the sand are people who obviously do not value their lives or the lives of others enough to be prepared to defend and protect them. But it get’s worse. They not only choose to be unarmed and helpless, but are maniacal in their bizarre war to force by law everyone to be unarmed and helpless.

And don’t give me this crap about “reasonable gun control laws.” Every time they recommend more restrictions it is more than obvious they want to turn America into their Chicago gun-free zone fantasy.

Ain’t gonna happen.


Complete text linked here.

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