University Takes Action Against Students, Free Speech Endangered

Another day, another outrageous report to emerge from the sad state of liberal academia…

The University of Hawaii at Hilo has prohibited students from passing out forbidden literature on school grounds.

What was this forbidden literature? Was it radical propaganda? Was it hate-filled tirades of madmen?

No- it was the U.S. Constitution.

In typical fashion more in-line with a despotic dictatorship than something that could occur in America, UH-Hilo prohibited students from handing out our nation’s laws that enumerate our rights as citizens.

Students Merritt Burch and Anthony Vizzone, members of the Young Americans for Liberty group on campus, were prohibited last week from handing out pocket-versions of the U.S. Constitution in January. A week later, they were once again told that their efforts to educate students was in violation of school rules.

It seems odd that educating students about our laws would be a prohibited activity at a university- a supposed institution dedicated to- you guessed it- education.


Complete text linked here.

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