Taxpayer funds greasing skids for Dem VP candidate?

Obama puts millions in backyard of rising star.

Did partisan politics play a role in President Obama awarding a “promise zone” grant to the east side of San Antonio, Texas, one of only five areas nationwide designated to receive such funding?

In January, Obama announced the neighborhood will receive the designation of “promise zone,” the president’s signature education and anti-poverty program aimed at transforming schools and communities “into vibrant centers of opportunity and excellence” while helping to revitalize the community.

The four other “promise zones” are in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, southeastern Kentucky and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.

The mayor of San Antonio is Julian Castro, a rising star in the Democratic Party who is considered a possible 2016 vice presidential candidate.

Castro keynoted the 2012 Democratic National Convention, a prime spot Obama had in 2004 when he was a senator with little national recognition.

Castro’s identical twin brother, Joaquín Castro, is a congressman who represents the largely Hispanic west side of San Antonio.

While Joaquin’s district did not receive the “promise zone” funding, the district falls under the mayorship of Julian Castro and will clearly help demonstrate that his connections benefit the city.


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