‘Who’s the Real Crook?’: D’Souza Takes on Reid’s Harsh Rhetoric on Bundys (Video)

“I feel that these guys here have been facing some real domestic terrorism from their own government, and that’s a real scary idea in America.” Dinesh D’Souza

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza hit back at Nevada Sen. Harry Reid’s harsh rhetoric against embattled rancher Cliven Bundy and his supporters.

D’Souza spoke to Megyn Kelly from the scene of the “range war” controversy on the Bundy ranch.

Reid has dialed up his attacks on the Bundy family, claiming repeatedly that the Bundy patriarch “doesn’t pay his taxes.” The latest attacks from Reid come in the wake of the senator calling Bundy, his family and supporters “domestic terrorists.”

D’Souza told Kelly that the scene on the ranch was like something out of an old Western. “The real question is: Who’s the real crook? Who’s really fanning the flames and tensions?” D’Souza said.

“Terrorism is when you target innocent civilians, and when you call people ‘domestic terrorists,’ you’re almost implying that they should be targeted and killed,” D’Souza said.


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