Obama gives $30 million to La Raza affiliate

Radical Hispanic organization known as ‘The Race’.

The recipient of a $30 million grant as part of President Obama’s “promise zone” initiative is an affiliate of the radical National Council of La Raza, WND has learned.

A group called the Youth Policy Institute, or YPI, was approved by the Obama administration as the lead agency for Los Angeles when the city was selected by the White House and Department of Education two years ago to receive “promise zone” grants.

With little fanfare, YPI was awarded a $30 million grant in January 2012 as the “promise zone” recipient for Los Angeles.

The organization is slated to receive potentially tens or even hundreds of millions more, with the “promise zone” program pledging up to $500 million in grants over 10 years to help revitalize central Los Angeles neighborhoods.

Promise Zone is Obama’s signature education and anti-poverty program aimed at transforming schools and communities “into vibrant centers of opportunity and excellence.”

Unreported by the news media is that the Youth Policy Institute is an affiliate of the National Council of La Raza, or NCLR.

La Raza, which means “The Race, supports amnesty for illegal aliens. Among its affiliates are chapters of the radical MEChA – Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán – which promotes the “Reconquista” movement. The movement calls for the “liberation” of Aztlan, the mythical ancestral home of the Aztecs, which MEChA regard as Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico and parts of Oregon.


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