Bilingual Nations: Language as a pretense for invasion

The failure to assimilate, the failure to bind a country under one language has a historical track record not to be disregarded.

History has many examples of language and culture being used as a pretense for invasion.

Of late, Putin’s reasoning for invading Crimea contained some type of ordained responsibility to protect Russian speaking people. This follows the model set by Germany as they invaded Czechoslovakia to protect the Germans in Sudetenland.

Hitler merely followed a litany of historical examples based on the same manufactured excuse.

When it is suggested that English become the official national language of the United States, it is in part presented to solidify the nation and promote assimilation not only of language but also of culture.

The American southwest is heavily Latino and consequently bilingual. It abuts a sovereign nation sharing that second language. Multiculturalists applaud such a condition. Governmental documents and procedures bow to this arrangement by placating those who are English language skill deficient. A kind and gentle approach.


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