Smith Forms Border Security Caucus

“A Bloomberg poll showed that 85% of voters want Congress to ‘strengthen border security and create a system to track foreigners entering and leaving the country’ before any other changes are made to our immigration system.”

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) has announced that he has formed the Border Security Caucus in Congress. The Caucus is open to Members of Congress who feel the border must be secured and interior enforcement increased.

Representative Smith: “The Government Accountability Office has determined that only 129 miles of a 2000 mile long southern border is under ‘full control.’ That means that only 6.5% of the border is safe from drug smugglers and human traffickers.

“Over 40% of those in the country illegally entered as tourists or business visitors and then overstayed their visas and failed to return home. An entry-exit system is needed to deter and detect those individuals.

“Almost 12 million people reside in the United States illegally and over 7 million of them work illegally. This situation is costly to American taxpayers and harmful to American workers.

“Unfortunately, President Obama has weakened immigration laws through executive orders and administrative actions.”


Complete text linked here.

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