Porn prof in hot water after going berserk (Video)

Woman goes bonkers on teen girl.

Mireille Miller-Young, associate professor at UC, Santa Barbara

A professor of feminist studies who specializes in teaching pornography, queer theory and black film is now facing criminal charges after going berserk at a California pro-life demonstration this month, stealing and destroying an anti-abortion sign and assaulting a teen girl who tried to retrieve it.

Mireille Miller-Young, who teaches at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is charged with misdemeanor theft, battery and vandalism.

The instructor came across the pro-life display sponsored by the Christian pro-life group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust on March 4.

Thirteen members of the group had posted banners and literature which displayed graphic imagery of late-term abortions designed to spark conversations with passing students.

Joan Short, a 21-year-old student at Thomas Aquinas College and a member of the pro-life group, said Miller-Young exchanged heated words, complaining about the anti-abortion message, and led the gathering crowd into a chant of “Tear down the sign! Tear down the sign!” before grabbing a banner and walking with it across campus.


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