A conservative ‘war on women’? That’s just silly by John Stossel

Liberal social engineers may dream of a society where genders are exactly equal, but that’s nonsense. Men and women are different. We should celebrate that difference instead of claiming that women are victims.

You’ve probably heard that Democratic Party leaders decided that a way to win votes this November is to shout loudly that Republicans wage “war on women.” Politico calls this a “proven, persuasive argument.”

Give me a break. The idea of a conservative “war on women” is as silly as the propaganda I was taught in college: Aside from sex organs, genders are exactly equal, said my leftist professors, and any admission of differences between men and women is oppressive.

I was taught that the only reason boys and girls behave differently is because we’re raised differently. If society and parents were to treat genders the same, behavior differences would vanish.

I believed it.

Then I had kids, and spent more time with kids, and learned what a fool I’d been.

Back in my ABC News days, I did a TV show about the differences. A typical mom said, “We gave them each trucks. She just wouldn’t play with trucks. We wouldn’t let him play with guns, so he pretended carrots were guns.”

There were exceptions, of course. But it turns out that there’s plenty of science documenting that men and women are just programmed differently.


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