Maryland’s Obamacare exchange now under federal investigation

The announcement of Maryland’s investigation is the second in less than a week, following the General Accountability Office’s confirmation that it will take up an investigation into Cover Oregon at the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s request.

A second state Obamacare exchange is under federal investigation in as many weeks.

The inspector general’s office for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly told Maryland Republican Rep. Andy Harris that it will proceed with an investigation into how Maryland’s Obamacare exchange spent copious amounts of federal grant money in the face of its failing exchange.

Oregon’s Obamacare exchange will also be investigated by the General Accountability Office after a separate request from House Republicans.

Harris requested the investigation last month along with Georgia Republican Rep. Jack Kingston. Both congressmen sit on a House Appropriations subcommittee which oversees HHS.

“Maryland officials ignored early warning signs and chose to waste and abuse federal taxpayer money by opening up what they knew was a flawed exchange to the public,” Harris said in a statement Monday.


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