Reagan Biographer Craig Shirley: GOP Resembles a Crime Family

And the pattern is this: It doesn’t matter which establishment Party is in power; the progressive inside “leaders” work together to grow government and make themselves and their friends rich in the process.

Yesterday our old friend Craig Shirley, chronicler of Ronald Reagan’s five-decade war of ideas against liberalism and communism, defined the national Republican Party this way in an interview with Brietbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy: “The Washington Republican party is no longer a political party in the way we understand political parties. It more resembles a crime family than a movement of ideas.”

Shirley was commenting on the charge that the reason Congress has not gotten to the bottom of the IRS targeting of conservatives and Tea Party movement groups is because the establishment GOP wants the IRS to hobble these groups just as much or more than do the Democrats.

The notion that the Republican Party leadership is slow-walking the investigation of the IRS was first raised publicly by Democratic pollster and Fox News regular Pat Caddell.

“The establishment Republicans want the IRS to go after the Tea Parties,” Caddell told Fox News on Sunday.

“When you have 71 percent who want an investigation, 64 percent who believe that it is a sign of corruption including nearly a majority of Democrats,” Caddell said, “the reason is the establishment Republicans want the IRS to go after the Tea Parties. Got it?”

According to Breitbart’s Leahy, Caddell said the GOP establishment is happy to have the IRS take the Tea Party down a notch.


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