Cruz Storms GOP Establishment Stronghold in Sunshine State with Record-Setting Crowd (Video)

Sarasota, FL – The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) just held its winter meeting here, and the wealthy beachfront communities that dot the coast are typically considered one of the beating hearts of the Establishment GOP’s donor community.

Tonight, though, it’s Cruz country.

An event originally scheduled as a small rally for potential 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) mushroomed into a major political event after nearly 2,000 people RSVP’d online.

“We are shocked at the level of interest that we’ve received for doing this rally,” Sarasota GOP chairman Joe Gruters told Breitbart News.

“It’s obvious that the state is aware that he is listening, and they’re excited about what Ted Cruz is saying and it certainly cuts across the bow of the establishment in D.C., which is maybe not trying to ‘stifle’ what Sen. Cruz is saying but certainly that Cruz is getting so much attention at the local level in a county like Sarasota shows you that he’s a major player and that people should watch out for and everything that the guy is doing,” he added.

Cruz opened his remarks here with one his signature phrases. “I spent all of last week in Washington, D.C.,” he said. “It is great to be back in America.”


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