Rocker Ted Nugent’s Unleashed Rant Against Big Government and the Media: ‘I’ll Eat Your Guts’ (Videos)

“Uncle Ted with a machine gun is in the asset column of America,” he asserted. “I make the world safer. I literally am the poster boy for good people fighting for our God-given individual rights…”

Rocker Ted Nugent has never been known to hold his tongue when he thinks something is wrong. Pair him with outspoken Blaze TV host Dana Loesch, and you’re guaranteed to get an earful.

Loesch and her family joined Nugent at his Texas ranch last weekend, and in between shooting sessions, the discussion inevitably turned to politics and current events.

“I challenge, I dare ya, I dare all you punks, I dare all you media subhuman punks: debate me,” Nugent said, after taking off his shoe to remove the “Piers Morgan skull tissue” from a prior interview.

“Bring me on your show. Teach me a lesson. Cause I’ll eat your guts,” the rocker continued. “Because I have no opinions. Now that’s wild to people. But it’s not my opinion that I have a right to keep and bear arms. I do. It’s not my opinion that venison is food. It’s not my opinion that there are four dead Americans at our embassy … Brian Terry is dead, Eric Holder. Where’s the accountability? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“So is it inflammatory to identify that there is a monster loose in our government who runs guns to Mexican gangs that caused the death of a Detroit hero? Is it wrong to identify that? Or is it wrong to be the guilty party that caused it?” Nugent asked. “Subhuman mongrels. If you don’t care about freedom, if you abuse your power in the highest offices of the land, there are no words to adequately describe your depth of evil.”


Complete text and videos linked here.

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