Hear Bill Ayers say again, ‘I wrote Obama bio’

Weather Underground leader tells Jerry Corsi on tape

Bill Ayers, the unrepentant former leader of the radical 1960s Weather Underground group, has been asked on several occasions over the past five years if he wrote “Dreams from My Father,” the book offered as evidence that Barack Obama is an intellectual heavyweight worthy of the Oval Office despite his relatively thin resume.

Aware of WND columnist and author Jack Cashill’s extensive literary analysis and independent corroboration by a friendly Obama biographer, Ayers has obscured his responses with a layer of irony, telling inquirers in essence, Yes, I did, and if you can help me prove it, I’ll split the royalties with you.

Prior to a debate Thursday night with author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza at Dartmouth College, Ayers brought up the subject himself in an exchange with WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi.


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