Scotland: Local businesses targeted by organised scam gangs (Video)

A retailers group has warned business owners in Courier country to be on their guard against highly organised Eastern European scam gangs.

The national operations director of Retailers Against Crime (RAC), Maxine Fraser, said the groups have increasingly been striking across Tayside, Fife and Forth Valley.

The claim has been backed up by Police Scotland, who recently warned of a rise in foreign nationals pulling sophisticated theft and fraud operations, including one known as “Ringing the Changes”.

The sleight-of-hand routine involves distracting or confusing a shopkeeper as change is counted out from the till, with the intention of duping them into handing over excess cash.

It commonly sees someone asking for a sum of cash to be changed into notes of a smaller denomination.

While waiting for the change, they deliberately confuse staff into giving them more money than they originally handed over.


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