What is a Journalist?

According to online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, journalism is “a method of enquiry and literary style used in social and cultural representation” and “Journalistic integrity is based on the principles of truth, accuracy and factual knowledge.”

All well and good – admirable aspirations, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

From the smallest local rag up to the world’s biggest titles, from the most insignificant local radio station to the gigantic BBC, “journalists” (as they frequently and tediously call themselves) all sing from the same hymn sheet.

For them, immigration, internationalism, globalisation and “diversity” are always “good”, but nationalism, patriotism, or what they describe as “far right” politics, are “bad”.

They don’t just pretend to hold these views in order to keep their jobs, most if not all of them really do believe it.

It’s at least narrow mindedness and bigotry (to use one of their popular words) and possibly a form of mental illness triggered by Political Correctness.

Anyone listening to “our” chief brainwashing organ – the BBC – cannot fail to notice the dreary monotony of commentators’ views on matters appertaining to race and immigration – always optimistic, whether it be to the recent anniversary of the colonisation of Leicester by a majority Asian population, always “enrichment” brought about by immigrants but with never a mention of the worries and anxieties of indigenous Britons. None of the drawbacks are mentioned.


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