Britain’s Dumbed-down Schools

“To ideologically manipulate young people into a set of ideas that prepares them for their cultural disinheritance and the destruction of their nation state is evil.” – Matthew Roberts

The recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which concluded that English school leavers are amongst the least literate and numerate in the developed world, is further proof, if any were needed, that much of the education system in England is not fit for purpose.

The research by the respected OECD found that 16- to 24-year-olds lag close to the bottom of the global league tables in literacy and numeracy. According to the figures England is ranked 22nd out of 24 western countries in terms of literacy and 21st for numeracy. More shockingly the report showed that the levels of basic skills in England had not improved over the last 40 years, with recent school leavers having lower scores in tests than their parents’ generation and their grandparents’ generation. England was also the only country in the developed world in which adults aged 55 to 65 performed better in literacy and numeracy than those aged 16 to 24 after taking account of other factors such as the economic background of those taking the test.

In total, around 24 per cent – the equivalent of 8.5 million people – scored at or below Level 1 in numeracy, compared with an OECD average of 19 per cent. This means that they can only do very basic sums. In the literacy test, 16.4 per cent scored the lowest level, compared with an OECD average of 15.5 per cent. This means they could read simple texts on familiar topics.

The British Chamber of Commerce said that many employers had been left “disheartened and downright frustrated” by poor levels of literacy, numeracy, communication and timekeeping among school leavers and graduates. Indeed!


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