Ted Cruz: Eric Holder Needs To Resign For ‘Willingness To Disregard The Law’ (Video)

This is the first time a US Senator has called for Eric Holder to step down so it is looking like the heat is finally being turned up on the shenanigans going on in the nearly criminal White House administration of Barack Obama.

Not only is Barack Obama everything antithetical to what conservatives see as an ideal direction for this nation, now he is becoming a party to members of his administration breaking the law, and they are doing it for him. More than anything else it seems that Obama’s cabinet exists wholly to cover for him, deflect the tough questions and take the blame for an inept and unwilling to lead president.

In the case of Attorney General Eric Holder, we now know he lied on the stand as he sat before a Congressional Subcommittee headed by Darrell Issa to investigate spying on and tapping the phones of AP and Fox News reporters. Holder testified that he had no knowledge whatsoever of anyone tapping the phones or asking for phone records of any reporter at either Fox News or the AP. It was later revealed that Holder in fact personally signed off on the order to tap the phones of a reporter at Fox News.

Now in an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said the Attorney General should resign. This is the first time a US Senator has called for Eric Holder to step down so it is looking like the heat is finally being turned up on the shenanigans going on in the nearly criminal White House administration of Barack Obama.


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