Rally to support our troops and deport Islamic hate preachers (with Video)

The political class are terrified of the BNP and other pro-British anti-radical Islamic groups; because they know that we will hold them to account for their betrayal of British people.

“Hate Preachers Out Demo” (Scotland): Next Saturday – Saturday 1stJune 1.30pm outside the Scottish Parliament building

Rally for all members of the public to attend who have had enough of radical Islam in Britain

The horrific ritual slaughter of one of our brave young soldiers, witnessed in broad daylight by people going about their daily business is the beginning of a new era.

The sickening murder of Lee Rigby, a serving member of our armed forces by Muslim extremists on our streets is an act of unprecedented savagery in Britain.

A line has been drawn in the sand

The political class are terrified of the BNP and other pro-British anti-radical Islamic groups; because they know that we will hold them to account for their betrayal of British people.

That’s why they try to deny us votes by talking about the same issues that we do, from time to time to kid the British public into thinking they are listening.

Well, we will use this to our advantage. Our next task is to force the political class to take action and deport Muslim hate preachers NOW.

And we’re starting with a demo to demand next Saturday.


Complete text linked here.

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