Stockman vows ‘gang of millions’ to battle immigration bill

The conservative Republican lawmaker from Texas predicted Tuesday that “a Gang of Millions … will rise up against” the Senate immigration bill crafted by a bipartisan group of eight senators.

The Gang of Eight? Steve Stockman thinks that eight is not enough.


Stockman said the Senate immigration deal ultimately “will fail, because the people are stronger than the Gang of Eight.”

Stockman and fellow Texas GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert said at a press conference that the bill is “fundamentally unfair” to immigrants who came to the country legally and that it ignores current immigration laws.

Gohmert and Stockman joined Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, and several other conservative House members outside the Capitol to denounce the Senate immigration bill because, they said, it “destroys the rule of law” and provides “amnesty” for millions of immigrants.

Cruz plan shot down

Across the Capitol grounds, the Senate Judiciary Committee was doing little to alter the Gang of Eight’s blueprint. In its second day of immigration reform debate, the panel focused Tuesday on the issue of highly skilled immigrant workers after closing the book on proposals to improve border security.

The panel shot down a proposal from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, to increase the number of highly skilled workers allowed to enter the U.S. Senators also rejected changes proposed by GOP members aimed at ensuring companies hire Americans before turning to guest workers on H1B visas.


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