Race war fear after Islamic terrorists target EDL

Islamic terrorists could target right wing fanatics to spark a race war in Britain it was feared last night.

Violent extremists may focus atrocities on anti-Islamic groups to not only cause death and carnage but fuel religious hatred, experts said.

The warning came as six al-Qaeda inspired terrorists admitted plotting to attack an English Defence League rally with homemade bombs, guns and knives.

The outrage was only narrowly averted by sheer luck and the Birmingham gang’s own incompetence, even though one of the men was under watch by MI5 and the police.

The planned attack was also timed last year to wreck the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.

It was the first time Islamic terrorists have targeted a specific group in the UK and experts fear it is the start of a new threat for community cohesion.

The Government is concerned over growing tensions between Muslim and far right extremists while MI5 accept the EDL could become a target for jihadists.

Tommy Robinson, the EDL leader, last night warned should there be another 7/7 outrage “this whole country is going to go up.”


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