Thirty Latino Gang Members Indicted In Federal And State Court

Court documents show the defendants admitted their gang was involved in conspiring and in some cases committing murder, arson and witness intimidation. The racketeering charges mark the first use of the federal Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization, or RICO, case in the state.

March 15, 2011

Thirty members of the “Brown Magic Clica,” a Sureño street gang active in western Idaho and eastern Oregon, were indicted in federal and state courts last week. A federal grand jury in Boise indicted 13 people on March 9 in three separate indictments for conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise, murder in aid of racketeering, attempted murder in aid of racketeering, assault with a deadly weapon in aid of racketeering, conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, distribution of controlled substances, and unlawful possession of a firearm. Eleven defendants are charged in the racketeering indictment; two others are charged individually, one with conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, the other with unlawful possession of a firearm. A state grand jury in Canyon County indicted 18 people on March 9 for recruiting criminal gang members. One of the state defendants was indicted federally.

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