Amid Genocide Alert, Racist New Black Panthers Hit South Africa

Thousands of South African families, Friends for Humanity co-founder Sonia Hruska continued, “are already mourning the brutal torture, rape and murder of family members as per the New Black Panther vision.”

Even as the world’s most prominent expert on genocidewarns that South Africa’s European-descent Afrikaner population is on the verge of government-linked extermination, the virulently racist U.S.-based “New Black Panther Party” has a delegation visiting the so-called “Rainbow nation” — a country now ruled by a president who openly sings about murdering whites. The NBPP and its leadership have regularly called for genocide against white South Africans as well, so critics of the visit are expressing alarm, concerned that the officially recognized hate group is agitating for further ethnic cleansing while collaborating with genocidal elements within the regimes ruling South Africa and Zimbabwe.

On the NBPP’s official website, the New Black Panthers boast about their “historic” trip to Marxist-ruled Zimbabwe and South Africa, which the anti-white and anti-Semitic organization refers to as “Azania.” During broadcasted conference calls about the visit posted online, members and leaders of the group were caught plotting to accelerate the elimination of European-descent South Africans from their homeland. On the call, participants claimed they would “raise up a black army” and offer military training, bragging about collaborating with people who have murdered whites and calling for more racist killings.

The NBPP did not return a request for comment from The New American. However, according to a statement released online, the vaguely outlined purposes of the visit apparently include creating a better future as well as uniting African and black countries. In reality, as the group’s publicly available radio shows and frequent genocidal remarks demonstrate, the true purpose of the ongoing visit is more likely to help pursue the ultimate extermination of all European-descent Africans from the region.


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