Study Finds Tea Party Rallies Added 5 Million Republican Votes

Before the GOP establishment runs too far to the left on its evolutionary jog away from its base, it might want to take a look at this AEI study about the impact of the Tea Party on the midterm elections and what could have been if the Republican Party had run a populist 2012 campaign instead of working overtime to be centrist.

The researchers conclude that having a Tea Party protest on Tax Day, April 15, in 2009 increased the number of Republican votes in that area for the 2010 midterm elections and caused their representatives to vote more conservatively.

In fact, they estimate that the protests led to an additional:

25,000 to 46,000 local Tea Party organizers

170,000 to 310,000 protesters on Tax Day 2010

$840,000 to $1.54 million in donations to Our Country Deserves Better PAC

3.2 to 5.8 million votes in the 2010 House elections

The rallies also:

Increased the likelihood that incumbent Democratic representatives decided to retire prior to the elections

Caused Congressmen to vote more conservatively in Congress

Effects were driven by a persistent increase in the movement’s strength

Led to more grassroots organizing, to larger subsequent protests and monetary contributions, and to stronger conservative beliefs

Had significant multiplier effects: for every protester, Republican votes increased by seven to fourteen votes.


Complete text linked here.

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