European Women: The Taboo of Racist Rape

Special Envoy magazine had taken a few years ago the trial of victims of a serial rapist. In this report, we learned two things: first, that the rapist, a young African, raped 15 girls and white blondes because of the color of their skin, and second, it was literally to “humiliate whites “. These facts have never been recognized as racist by the courts and recognized as such by the reports of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH).

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Author of “White Sale! Chronicle of a hatred that does not exist ” , Gerald Pichon back length in his book on rape victims are racist European women. As “too white” to be heard and “too only” to be defended, they are easy prey to ethnic gangs.

When dealing with this kind of subject, we must avoid falling into the fantasy and see racist motivation against “Gauloises” every one of these heinous acts occur. Mostly, rapes take place in a family setting in effect among members of the same community. But you can not deny that some rapists are white women with clearly racist motivations, especially during the famous “rotating” Newspeak word media to hide the real term of gang rape.

The white male taboo

Moreover, rape racism in Europe could be defined as the taboo taboo in antiblanche hatred. It is indeed impossible to official figures, no politician and no media in France has raised this issue. And yet … Based on the visible part of the facts which various newspapers echo, can be estimated at several thousands of European women raped every year because of the whiteness of their skin.

Too white

Since the early 1990s, there has been an explosion in the number of rapes, including gang rapes, aggravated often “acts of barbarity: kidnapping, beating, burning,” as even more humiliating for the victims. But no ethnic statistics of rape is coming or disprove the statement Julien Dray, Sos Racism founder and spokesperson of the PS, the fact that the “burning of cars, racketeering, rape. Violence are preferably targeted the “Babtous”, that is to say the whites. ”


Complete text linked here (In French)

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