Federal judge: Arizona can ban classes promoting ‘racial resentment against ‘whites’

School officials have “a legitimate interest in limiting curricula that tend to encourage the overthrow of the United States government,” the Clinton appointee added.

A federal appeals judge has upheld most of a 2010 Arizona state law that prohibits school districts from offering coursework that endorses the overthrow of the United States government or stokes resentment toward a race or class of people.

Friday’s ruling, by A. Wallace Tashima of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, declared three of the four sections of the law constitutional, reports the Arizona Daily Independent.

The ruling stems from a case concerning a school district’s intervention to forcibly alter coursework in a controversial Mexican-American studies program in Tucson schools. The highly race-conscious program taught history, civics and literature from a pointedly Mexican-American vantage point.

The judge agreed with a prior evidentiary finding by an administrative law judge that the program contained “classes or courses designed for Latinos as a group” and promoted “racial resentment against ‘Whites.’”

The relevant sections of the contested law, commonly known among locals as House Bill 2281, forbid Arizona school districts and charter schools from:

1. Promoting the overthrow of the United States government.

2. Promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.

3. Designing courses primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.

4. Advocating ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.


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