‘[Tyranny Is] Not a Wolf That Dies’: Interview With the Air Force Vet Behind That Viral 2nd Amendment Defense

Tully emphasized throughout the interview that America has become too divided: a nation of Republicans vs. Democrats, pro-life vs. pro choice, us vs. them. On a more basic level, many don’t even identify as American– they’re Italian-American, African-American, Asian-American, etc.

On Monday, TheBlaze brought you the story of an unnamed veteran who stood up and gave a rousing defense of the First and Second Amendments during a Chicago-area forum on gun control.

“The problem with this country right now is, ‘it’s us and it’s f***ing them,’” he declared soon after watching a slideshow equating gun owners with Nazis. “We need to stop this crap.”

And while he was extremely respectful in asking how the professor on the panel would react if his First Amendment rights were in the crosshairs, when the professor reiterated that the Second Amendment should be re-examined for relevancy, the vet retorted: “The threat of tyranny is no less than at the turn of the century in 1900, in 1800, or in 1700.”

Watch the entire video, first posted by Legal Insurrection, below:

The vet sat down to a standing ovation– but afterwords, the question remained: Who was he? What made him speak out, and what does he think of the state of the country? With help from the Winnetka-Glencoe Patch, TheBlaze was able to track him down and ask in an exclusive interview.

The veteran’s name is Kevin Tully, and he left the Air Force a staff sergeant after serving in Desert Storm, 3 tours for Operation Southern Watch, and a tour in Panama.


Complete text linked here.

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