Pat Buchanan: ‘Fabian socialist’ Obama ‘is a drug dealer of welfare’ (Video)

“This is the great conflict of our time,” Buchanan said. “Are we going down the road? Barack Obama, in my judgment, is a Fabian socialist. You saw the ‘redistribution,’ and by that I mean he’s not [Independent Vermont Sen.] Bernie Sanders, who is right out in the open and honest about it, but he’s a Fabian socialist who wants to move through gradualism and reform, step by step, until a majority of Americans are dependent upon government. When that happens, the party of government wins every election.”

On Fox News Channel’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” Tuesday night, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan reacted to recently uncovered high-profile recordings of the two opponents facing off in November’s election: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s so-called “47 percent” fundraising remarks from May of this year and President Barack Obama’s 1998 recorded admission that he believes in wealth redistribution.

Buchanan, the author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” said this was an important debate to have, given the state of the U.S. economy and the fiscal situations of nations all over the world.


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