Oscar-winning producer comes out of Hollywood’s conservative closet, preps Obama movie

Molen says it was more common to be openly conservative in Hollywood’s early days. For conservatives like Bob Hope and John Wayne, political contrarians were nothing out of the ordinary. But in 2008, Molen saw a shift in the political discourse of Hollywood. ”It was more difficult for conservatives to open up. I don’t know why Hollywood is so monolithic in its liberal politics now,” he said.

Hollywood is known for its overwhelmingly Democratic-leaning population, despite a few high-profile conservative actors like Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammar and Patricia Heaton. But now a closet-conservative producer is coming out, so to speak, to make a film about President Obama.

Oscar-winning producer Gerald Molen, who collaborated with Steven Spielberg on “Schindler’s List,” has been low-key about his conservatism.

In this week’s print edition of The Hollywood Reporter, Molen speaks about his politics and writes about his upcoming documentary with Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama: 2016,” which seeks to unveil the origin of President Barack Obama’s worldview.

Molen says it was more common to be openly conservative in Hollywood’s early days. For conservatives like Bob Hope and John Wayne, political contrarians were nothing out of the ordinary.

But in 2008, Molen saw a shift in the political discourse of Hollywood. ”It was more difficult for conservatives to open up. I don’t know why Hollywood is so monolithic in its liberal politics now,” he said.

“Today, those on the right have a tendency to hide their politics because the left is vindictive. I guess it has hurt some of them in the past, or they wouldn’t hide. All of a sudden, if you disagreed with someone, they’d intimate you’re a racist or intolerant of some people.”


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