Exploring nuts and bolts of discrimination

If you wish to be politically correct you might remove coconuts from your shopping list and start to roll your lamingtons in some alternative form of confectionary coating.

“Coconut” is apparently a derogatory term when used by some Aboriginals to denote other Aboriginals whom they consider to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

So hurtful indeed is the expression that Australia’s first female Aboriginal MP has decided to call it quits after being called a “coconut” by extremist environmentalists.

Now, the ordinary reader might not be upset when reading the word “coconut” here but Federal Court Judge Mordecai Bromberg might take offence, given his ruling against Andrew Bolt. The judge found Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times guilty of breaching the Racial Discrimination Act not only because of their subject matter but also due to the manner in which it was dealt with.

I contend that the Act is bad law, introduced by the Keating government in 1995 when it had embraced the disastrously divisive policy of multiculturalism.

The Howard government should have repealed it but probably didn’t because it was worried about upsetting the professional ethnic community leaders and the hand-wringing clique of inner-urban voters who wear their hearts on their sleeves when it comes to Aboriginal matters and other social issues, but have never had to confront the appalling and squalid realities of life in remote Aboriginal communities.


Original source.

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