Mobbing for Preferences

The invasion of the news conference was a planned event, egged on by University of Wisconsin Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Damon Williams.

University of Wisconsin Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Damon Williams

On Tuesday, September 13, a mob of University of Wisconsin students overpowered the staff and swarmed into a room at the Madison Doubletree Hotel where Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, was giving a press conference on the release of two new reports from his organization. The fracas was covered by the local newspapers and television; featured on The O’Reilly Factor as part of an interview with CEO chairman Linda Chavez; written about by several essayists; and subject to considerably blogging, notably by University of Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse and Brooklyn College history professor KC Johnson. Instapundit Glenn Reynolds linked to the story, which is now widely known though, interestingly, it was not covered by The New York Times, or other major news outlets. The Chronicle of Higher Education mentioned it as a minor item in its breaking news update, The Ticker.  The Wisconsin State Journal covered the event (“Swift Reaction to Report,” September 13) noting in a subheading “Students storm news conference.”

What actually happened last week?

The immediate occasion was the release of CEO’s two reports, Racial and Ethnic Preferences in Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, (The report is available as a PDF here:  DOWNLOAD University of Wisconsin Study)  and Racial and Ethnic Preferences in Admission at the University of Wisconsin Law School (The report is available as a PDF here:  DOWNLOAD University of Wisconsin Law School Study).


Original source.

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