U.S. Spends $10.7 Mil To Train “Low Literacy” Latinos

Since Obama appointed her to run the DOL, Solis has also given the open borders most powerful group, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), more than $5 million to expand nationwide and promote its leftist agenda via a network of community organizations dedicated to serving Latinos.

With no end in sight to the devastating unemployment rate, the nation’s Department of Labor (DOL) is dedicating nearly $11 million to foreign-language programs that help workers with “low literacy or limited English proficiency.”

It marks the latest of many wasteful DOL initiatives aimed at helping Latinos (the feds’ code for illegal immigrants) working in the United States. Since President Obama appointed renowned open borders advocate Hilda Solis to head the agency, the former California congresswoman has dedicated vast resources to the cause.

It’s safe to bet this won’t be the last. The DOL has just given a list of “community groups,” labor unions, colleges and “joint labor/management associations” $10.7 million to provide hands-on safety training and educational programs for “vulnerable” workers that lack education and don’t speak English. The idea is to eliminate hazards in some of the most dangerous industries, according to Solis.


Original source.

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