About 21 percent of California students met the federal targets, which expect a designated percentage of students — just under 70 percent this year — to test at grade level.
Fewer Coachella Valley schools met state and federal targets in the 2010-11 school year, a report released Wednesday shows.
Valleywide, 42 percent of public schools met the state’s achievement goals that expect schools to improve and ultimately hit a score of 800 on a scale of 200 to 1,000.
Use our user-friendly searchable database to see how local schools performed in 2011 compared to 2010 at mydesert.com/data
About 21 percent met the federal targets, which expect a designated percentage of students — just under 70 percent this year — to test at grade level.
Last year, about 50 percent hit state goals and 25 percent met federal goals.