Bedtime for the #NeverTrump Anger Babies – Intellectual Froglegs (Video)

The primary is over. Trump won. Grow up. Any American with a brain knows we cannot allow Hillary Clinton to become president.

I’m back. This episode is funded by The Low-Information Voters SuperPac… recognized in the awesome final segment btw. Okay it’s not really a super pac, but the awesome patriots and supporters of Intellectual Froglegs, which is 100% viewer funded.

#NeverTrump is fading into the sunset… now relegated to a few tassel loafered pockets of resistance….and social media trollers. The Anger babies, if you will (a phrase coined by my friend Anthony Adams, I liked it so I stole it). These folks like Ben Shapiro, Bill Kristol, Paul Ryan, etc… believe themselves to be intellectually superior to all of us. They represent purist of the pure… the self-appointed guardians of conservatism, who for the most part are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


Complete text linked here.

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