College Football Star Says He Raped Woman As Payback for ‘400 Years of Slavery’…

Thankfully, Corey Batey was sentenced to 15 years of prison in what the judge called “one of the saddest cases that I have ever encountered.”

I will give you all the money in my pockets right now if this isn’t one of the most racist things you’ve ever read, also the most disgusting, vile, and evil things. A football player violently raped a woman (heinous enough as it is) and justified it thusly: “that’s for 400 years of slavery.”

If your eyes just popped out of your head and rolled across the floor, go pick them up. Dust them off. Put them back in your head. Because no, you didn’t read that wrong. This football player actually used that “justification” for his terrible act.

“Mr. Batey continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin. He didn’t even know who I was.”

In prior court hearings, prosecutors have acknowledged a racial statement was made but it was never said publicly in court.

On Friday, multiple sources confirmed to The Tennessean the statement Batey made. “That’s for 400 years of slavery you b—-,” Batey said, according to the sources.


Complete text linked here.

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