Brooklyn Democrat City Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo “There are Too many Damn Asians In Housing Projects.”

“There could be some benefit to housing people by culture . . . I think it needs to be discussed,” Cumbo told the New York Post.

Brooklyn City Councilwoman, Laurie Cumbo has identified a big problem when it comes to public housing in New York City. Too many damn Asians!

At a recent council hearing on public housing, Cumbo inquired as to why “blocs” of Asians were living in two city housing units.

“How is it that one specific ethnic group has had the opportunity to move into a development in large numbers?” asked Cumbo.

Cumbo later issued an apology for her overt racism but then floated an idea that could be viewed as being even more racially insensitive than her previous statement.


Complete text linked here.

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