Open Borders Elites Freak Out as Home Secretary Echoes Farage, Declares Migrant Crisis an ‘Invasion’

The open-borders establishment in the media class and the globalist wing of the Tory Party has thrown a fit over Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s rhetoric on the migrant crisis, which she described as an “invasion”.

Echoing previous statements from Brexit leader Nigel Farage, Suella Braverman took to the dispatch box in the House of Commons on Friday afternoon to address the migrant crisis in the English Channel, which has seen some 40,000 illegals, including thousands of young Albanian men, reach British shores since the start of the year.

“The British people deserve to know which party is serious about stopping the invasion on our southern coast and which party is not,” Braverman said amid loud grumbling from the Labour Party.

“Some 40,000 people have arrived on the south coast this year alone, many of them facilitated by criminal gangs, some of them actual members of criminal gangs. So let’s stop pretending that they are all refugees in distress: the whole country knows that that is not true.”

“I’m utterly serious about ending the scourge of illegal migration and I am determined to do whatever it takes to break the criminal gangs and fix our hopelessly lax asylum system, that is why I am in government.”


Complete text linked here.

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