A funny thing happened on the way to the Great Reset

Patrice Lewis notes global elites’ strategy is not going according to plan

The Great Reset is well underway. The worldwide COVID lockdowns (which may, ironically, were implemented in response to Trump’s popularity and success, sparking the rise of Trump-like leaders in other nations) gave the ultimate impetus to get this paradigm-shifting systemic change into motion, though of course its roots stretch back decades. The pandemic, declared the World Economic Forum, presented “a rare but narrow window to reflect, re-imagine, and reset” the world’s fundamental economic and social foundation. Amazingly, the WEF already possessed a meticulously crafted plan for the process. Imagine that.

This reset is a cooperative effort by governments, health agencies, financial institutes, the media, tech companies and elements of the public. According to a Hillsdale College article, “The responses [to the pandemic] and their effects included worldwide lockdowns, the collapse of businesses and industries, the adoption of biometric surveillance technologies, an emphasis on social media censorship to combat ‘misinformation,’ the flooding of social and legacy media with ‘authoritative sources,’ widespread riots, and mass unemployment.”

The pandemic may have been the stimulus, but climate change (communism under a new name) is the (current) excuse to clamp down. As the global elites fly hundreds of private jets to economic forums, they devise ways to keep the rest of us peasants under their heel – all in the name of fighting this manufactured crisis. Essentially, they are using “climate change” as the reason to take over the world.


Complete text linked here.

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