Monthly Archives: August 2024

Incredibly Good News (Video)

modernity with Paul Joseph Watson

“I’m Disappointed In Trump’s Support For Israel” (Live From Ramova Theatre) – Video

InfoWars host Alex Jones admits that he doesn’t support any of the players in the ongoing Middle East conflict. And while he says he supports Donald Trump’s presidential candidace, Jones adds that he is not in line with Trump’s policy of unconditional support for Israel.

Vince Coglianese: DNC Predictions, Don Lemon, and Why Kamala Harris Is Terrified (Video)

Happy DNC week. Journalist and radio host Vince Coglianese previews the grotesqueries.

“City of Dreams” Trailer

Proud to be an Executive Producer on “City of Dreams.” It’ll make you uncomfortable, but sometimes the TRUTH hurts: over 12 million children are living in slavery – including right here in America. This isn’t a partisan issue (or at least it shouldn’t be). Premiere tomorrow in Miami, launching nationwide on Labor Day. Can’t sweep this issue under the rug anymore.

Far Left Protests ERUPT At DNC, Leftists Threaten Cops With WAR Unless They LEAVE DNC Amid Riot Fear (Video)


Support Israel…Or Else! | Candace Ep 47 (Video)

Trump campaign rehires Corey Lewandowski, Lizzo gets into shape, and everyone is mad at me again for talking about Israel.

Multiple stabbings in Manchester! (Video)

What a weekend, one set of stabbings in Manchester last night and another on Saturday evening in Dartford. Both resulting in a death. And this isn’t headline news because it happens so often now that it’s just part and parcel of life in the new UK.

Operation Early Dawn means releasing real criminals and replacing them with political prisoners (Video)

Prisons in Britain are now full to overflowing and so to make room for the hundreds of people who protested against immigration, genuine criminals are to be freed early.

Douglas Murray and More Threatened Over “Dangerous” Speech, w/ Laurence Fox and Fr. Calvin Robinson (Video)

Megyn Kelly is joined by co-hosts of “Fox and Father” Laurence Fox and Fr. Calvin Robinson to discuss the media propaganda about what’s happening in the U.K., the immigration patterns in Europe and how the government is handling it, people like Douglas Murray threatened over “dangerous” speech, threats and censorship for speaking the truth, and more.


The Hosea Diary