Happy Independence Day! by Chris Langan

Make the most of it while it lasts! But if you need to take a break, you can read up on why no one will ever be getting around the CTMU.

Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans! Enjoy it like it’s going out of style, which is exactly what it’s doing.

We need to savor every Independence Day we get these days, as we’re running out of them. In fact, they’ll soon be gone if we fail to put a stop to the immoral, corrupt, anti-American, anti-White treason of traitorous lying scoundrels squatting in stolen government offices and fattening on bribes and blood money.

Independence Day is going out of style because the US political class, steeped in faithlessness, cynicism, and contempt, has surrendered American independence to its globalist paymasters like alleycats in heat, reveling in the throes of an obscene midnight orgy amidst the overflowing garbage cans. Caterwauling about diversity, equity, inclusion, and social injustice, lit by a flaming dumpster heaped with 60 years of unvetted illegal nonwhites-only mass migration to all and only the nations our ancestors founded, they’re doing their level best to ensure that we end up destitute, deracinated, and strangled with high-voltage shock collars.


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