Biden’s Deputies Use Refugee Program to Import Economic Migrants

President Joe Biden’s deputies are converting Congress’ refugee program for populations stricken by war, famine, or disasters into yet another pipeline for poor foreigners to get into Americans’ jobs, homes, and shopping centers.

“Last summer, we came together to set up Safe Mobility Offices in Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador – providing screening and referral information to individuals where they are,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told regional foreign ministers in Guatemala on May 7. He continued:

Since the program’s launch, we’ve settled – resettled over 7,500 refugees [from the Americas] in the United States, and another nearly 20,000 individuals have been approved for various other legal pathways.  And this is only the beginning.  We are on track to resettle six times more individuals this year than last year.

This year, according to the New York Times, “the Biden administration has streamlined processing and opened up so-called Safe Mobility Offices in Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador and Costa Rica to help take in applications from migrants and expand refugee processing from the region.”


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