Antifa: ‘Armed instrument’ of the ‘permanent Democratic establishment’

Joseph Farah chronicles latest mayhem perpetrated by untouchable rabble-rousers

Antifa is back at it – burning police cars, destroying businesses and causing general mayhem along the way.

If you thought they were a bad dream from 2020, think again.

Here’s what Tucker Carlson said in a report the other night.

“What happened to Antifa?” he asked. “Ever wonder that? The shadowy, heavily armed left-wing militia group, the guys dressed like stormtroopers in black masks. You remember them, of course, well from the summer of 2020. … The point of the violence, the extensive violence and the killings they committed was to defeat Donald Trump and make the country so chaotic that voters would want to change, and they were effective. They were so effective that Kamala Harris herself raised money to bail them out of jail.”


Complete text linked here.

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