Republican state puts banks on notice over wokeness: ‘Won’t be tolerated’

‘Kentucky refuses to fund the ideological boycotts of our own fossil fuel industry,’ the state’s top financial official tells FOX Business

Kentucky issued an official notice Monday morning listing 11 banks it accused of boycotting energy companies and which would be subject to divestment within months.

Kentucky State Treasurer Allison Ball announced that, after a review of their energy and climate policies, the listed banks — which included BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and HSBC among others — were found to be in an active boycott of fossil fuel companies. The Kentucky state government could begin divesting from the firms if they didn’t reverse their boycotts, according to the notice obtained first by FOX Business.

“Kentucky is a coal, oil, and gas producing state,” Ball told FOX Business. “Our energy sector helps power America. Kentucky refuses to fund the ideological boycotts of our own fossil fuel industry with the hard-earned taxes and pensions of Kentucky citizens.”


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