How and why George Soros is obsessed with destroying America

The name “George Soros” is typically preceded by the words “billionaire philanthropist.” But there’s a problem.

Philanthropists donate money and property to needy individuals and institutions for the purpose of advancing human welfare, security and happiness. Indeed, with its anthro root, philanthropy literally means “love of mankind.”

For decades, however, Hungarian-born leftwing “billionaire philanthropist” George Soros has supported, advocated and bankrolled everything rotten, subversive, destructive, hateful and evil.

Currently, Soros’ name is most often heard in conjunction with radically pro-criminal district attorneys across America, many of them household names due to the spectacular explosion in violent crime they have enabled: “Soros DA Larry Krasner” (Philadelphia), “Soros DA Kim Foxx” (Chicago), “Soros DA Chesa Boudin” (San Francisco) and scores of others, from George Gascon (Los Angeles) to Marilyn Mosby (Baltimore) to Kim Gardner (St. Louis), 75 in all – each elected because of massive infusions of Soros cash into their campaigns. In turn, the “Soros DAs” have transformed America’s most beautiful, dynamic and storied cities into degraded, crime-infested hellscapes of skyrocketing murder, rape, robbery, rioting, arson, drug abuse, wild mass-shoplifting episodes and other mayhem, leading not only to widespread property loss, suffering and death, but also to major exoduses by those with the means to relocate.


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