Over Half of America’s Top Medical Schools Now Teach Critical Race Theory

The antiracism push in medical education is increasing; to reach diversity, equity and inclusion goals, 35.6% of medical schools are offering incentives to departments who meet the diversity goals set by the institution. In July, the Association of American Medical Colleges released new guidelines on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives for medical schools to teach students to consider their “privilege” and patients’ “intersectionality” when providing treatment.

Many of America’s top medical schools have implemented Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a part of their mandatory programs, according to the Critical Race Training in Education database.

Approximately 58 of the top 100 medical schools ranked by the U.S. News & World report include CRT in their courses and student training, according to the Critical Race Training in Education database. Of the top schools, 46 provide students and staff with resources by Robin DiAngelo, the author of “Nice Racism,” a book about how progressive white people perpetuate racial harm, and Ibram X. Kendi, the author of several books on antiracism including “Stamped.”

CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies.


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