DEI reading groups push progressive agenda

Diversity, inclusivity, and equity readings groups exist at Dartmouth College, The Ohio State University, and Florida International University, among others. Loyola University, a Catholic University in Baltimore, Maryland, also hosts an annual Diversity Reading Groups series every October.

Universities and university clubs across the country are sponsoring reading groups centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as other leftist topics.

A July 3 tweet from Florida Gulf Coast University’s chapter of Young Democratic Socialists of America invites students to join their virtual summer reading group, encouraging participants to “continue organizing and fighting for reproductive justice.”

Members of the “socialist feminist reading group” will have the chance to “[h]ave conversations about abortion access and social reproduction, meet comrades, & learn about the Coalition for Reproductive Justice at FGCU.”

This is the latest of many such groups that have begun to spring up on campuses across the country. 


Complete text linked here.

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