MARSCHALL: Liberal bias on campus does not just happen

The professors, administrators, students, and activists turning college campuses into kangaroo courts for woke justice are real people.

Higher education is suffering under the yoke of leftist ideology, progressive agendas, and liberal bias.

The situation will never change until those who disagree with prevailing leftist dogmas summon the courage to call out academics who have used their power to enable woke orthodoxies to dictate campus life. 

The movement against liberal bias on campus must do better if it is to stop – or even reverse – the damage activist administrators, professors, and student leaders have done to colleges. 

A speech recently delivered by Bari Weiss perfectly illustrates the consequences of not holding those with the levers of power in academia accountable.   

Weiss, an entrepreneurial journalist who cancel culture pushed out of The New York Times, delivered her address to the University of Austin’s first cohort, where she serves as a board member.


Complete text linked here.

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