TPUSA Is Going After Unconstitutional Hiring Practices In a Big Way

Few things in this nation are as reviled and celebrated as the “diversity hire,” an undeniably racist, sexist, and bigoted way of choosing who does and doesn’t get a job.

The idea is pretty easy to grasp. If you’re white and you’re up against a someone of a different minority, sex, or identity, you’re probably going to lose out on that job because having someone in the room who isn’t white looks really good to a lot of different entities, such as the media, clientele, and even other businesses. It also allows for a sort of cover from accusations of racist practices by activists and politicians.

The long and short of it is that you might be denied a job strictly because you’re white and/or male, regardless of your talent, skill, or drive. Not only is this wrong from a moral stance that spits in the face of the “equality” that the left proclaims they cherish so much, but it’s also blatantly unconstitutional.

At some point, the issue has to be addressed in this country, and that’s exactly what Turning Point USA has decided to do.


Complete text linked here.

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