When War is Best Served Cold by Chris Langan

Once the Cold War is renewed, the global oligarchs will no longer require continuation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict (which, however, will probably drag on anyway). They’ll have an even better pretext on which to pursue their ongoing power-grab now that the public is refusing to swallow a direct transition to communism.

As some readers may recall, I predicted when the Russia-Ukraine conflict began that it would not end quickly. I observed that its goal was to provide a pretext for bullying and price-gouging the public on energy, and due to engineered supply-chain interruptions, on food.

Because inhabitants of already undernourished regions cannot afford skyrocketing food prices, and the West will neither be able to afford its usual extraordinary generosity nor have extra food to send even if it wants to, the engineered food shortage will inevitably result in significant depopulation of the Third World, an established component of the oligarchic agenda.


Complete text linked here.

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